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 Two pcbs on one sheet??

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gaztech46 Posted - 23 May 2024 : 15:05:19
Hi guys,

I have a project that has a main board and a separate daughter board.

I would like to be able to have a main schematic that shows both boards. When going through the circuit I really need to be able to see both boards to make sure connections and values are correct.

Sure, I can import the daughter board to the main board schematic but that will affect the PCB when I make any changes and do an integrity check. Is there any way to show both boards and keep the links correct? Is there a way to have the daughter board on the main schematic but not have it "active" with relation to the main board PCB?

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gnome1965 Posted - 23 May 2024 : 19:32:44
Hi, I may not give you the best solution, I'm still on V19 and things may have changed a lot since.
But here is what I do/did:

-Rename all component ref's so the two circuits dont collide, eg
-board1 has R100 -> R1xx, and
-board2 has R200 -> R2xx.
-Do this for all comps. Easily done with Auto Rename Components.
-Copy one schematic into the other, and do not merge nets.

Now you have 2 separate non-interfering schematics on one page (or multipage), and DRC etc should work ok.
Try and see if this gets you anywhere..