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 Arc Angle and Radius interact with each other

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Chris55000 Posted - 04 Jan 2023 : 13:41:23
I'm trying to create schematic symbols using old-style looped coils, and for this to work the Arc Radius, and Arc Angle parameters need to be independently configurable, or have a facility like Abacom's sPlan 8.0, to accurately adjust the Arc Angle with the mouse!

For example, if I set the Arc Angle to "225" and then an "Arc Radius" of "35", I find the "Arc Angle" has reset to some daft figure like "217.8649!"

It's easy to plot a circle of any desired diameter, but really a means of directly editing the arc angle from the circle directly is needed !

This undesired interaction between "Arc Radius" and "Arc Diameter" makes it extremely difficult to design objects like old-style looped coils!

Chris Williams