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Posted - 26 Jun 2020 : 16:03:02 Hi. I'm trying to resolve an issue on a pcb without completely redrawing a load of stuff. Hopefully someone can help.
Essentially, I have a large PCB with a number of TL074 chips on it.
Whilst drawing the PCB, I've just found out that one of the chips has a gate missing (I think that's what you guys call it).
The TL074 has four op amps on one chip. Somehow, by accident I have deleted one of the four OP Amp elements so one TLO74 in the design now only consists of just three Op Amp elements. Actually, it's not being used but I want to connect its pins to prevent any oscillation.
I need to get the missing one back! I can't see any way to do it other than adding another, new, TL074 to the schematic and substituting all elements of the the new one for the old one. Doing this however will screw up my PCB (I'm pretty sure it will anyway!) and I don't want to lose hours of work...
How can I bring back the missing "gate"? Can I somehow "regenerate" the same IC reference to make the missing "gate" appear?
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Posted - 28 Jun 2020 : 13:18:53 Ian, you're a star.
I had no idea that there "was" a component bin in the schematic editor! I have been using the program for 15 years at least and have never used it - or seen it!
Sure enough, the missing gate was just sitting there...
Many thanks. Saved me a load of work!
Iain Wilkie
Posted - 26 Jun 2020 : 16:53:26 Look in the component bin in the schematic editor. You'll probably find it there and just pull it into the schematic.