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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AdamW Posted - 04 Dec 2019 : 09:59:49
I am currently designing some new drawing templates and it got me wondering. every other CAD software we use i can add document variables to a template of some sort, and when i print it will collect, title, iss, date etc.

Is this possible in easypc? what does everyone else do? at them moment i have to create values for the drawing template schematic symbol, and remember to edit them every time. surely there is an easier way?

I notice if you go to the project tab, you can select file->properties. and you get a list of title, author, etc? which comes out on most reports.

There is also a values tab there? what is this for?

Any help or clarification is this can be done greatly appreciated.

(if it cant then surely this must be a well overdue requirement?)


Running;windows 7 64 bit, Easy-pc V22.0.6
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AdamW Posted - 20 Jan 2020 : 15:54:36
I thought this might be the case, i dont see it would take alot to implement, the data is already there?

anyway thanks for the reply.
Scazon Posted - 06 Jan 2020 : 11:29:38
I suggested this, or similar, some years ago- I requested it in the form we use in makefiles and the like, where you can define macro strings like $(VERSION), $(PROJECT), $(DATE) etc and they are parsed when the makefile is executed. I get the impression that no one can understand why we want it!
AdamW Posted - 02 Jan 2020 : 09:49:30
I am going to guess that this is a no...