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 Physical size of parts on schematic?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
PeteJG Posted - 03 May 2019 : 11:28:07
Is there a way to make schematic parts bigger or smaller without having to edit the library? Often, parts in the "standard" libraries are quite big so squeezing them onto what may be an already busy schematic can be a pain, but you don't necessarily want to have to go to the next size up sheet (eg. A4 to A3). If not, this could be a very useful thing to have, I'd certainly use it!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
davep Posted - 07 May 2019 : 21:55:50
You can add existing symbols to A3 A2 or any size and then print scaled to fit one page on the printer.
Iain Wilkie Posted - 07 May 2019 : 08:24:27
I'm afraid there is no way of scaling the symbols on the schematic.
