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neilh Posted - 31 Jul 2018 : 18:30:58
Great to have v22. Though it seems to have problem that I've seen in the past so just trying to figure out if I'm missing something.

I'm in the project and trying to add a schematic file from a file that's in the directory that I'm using as a template.

When I press the icon "Add Files" - it brings up a windowlet labeled "Open" - with a default to a previous project directory, but then doesn't allow me to navigate to my current directory.

I'd add a snapshot of it - but can't see how to do that.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
DavidM Posted - 16 Aug 2018 : 17:13:34
That's correct, it is extremely intermittent, we have seen it here in a debugging session only once, but even then were unable to find any reason for the fault despite attaching process monitoring and other diagnostics to the application.

We prep the data for the dialog (which is the standard Windows file dialog, not one of ours) then invoke the dialog and wait for Windows to give us the user response. All the interaction while the dialog is on the screen is entirely within the control of Windows itself.

If anyone has any suggestions about this issue, or has seen it elsewhere, or seen it mentioned in some online forum, then that might just offer us some clues about how to stop it happening.

Iain Wilkie Posted - 01 Aug 2018 : 16:56:39
I believe this is a Windows issue that No1 have never been able to track down. It happens so inconsistently its difficult to isolate.


neilh Posted - 01 Aug 2018 : 16:53:48
Interesting this morning it has cleared up. Whew.

Maybe the reboot cleared it up. I have seen it a number of times before - but will make a note to reboot next time I see it to see if that solves it. Thanks for the responses.
Iain Wilkie Posted - 01 Aug 2018 : 08:15:14
This sounds like a Windows problem, I would contact support about this.

neilh Posted - 31 Jul 2018 : 22:07:00
Hello Ian, Thanks for the quick response.

I'm using Windows10 and V22.0.1. It won't navigate away from the default setting.
I can enter another directory by pasting - but it won't go there. I can attempt to click on the directory tree - and it won't do it.

How do I load a "snip" of the windowlet?

I've had the same problem with V20 so I don't believe its a new issue.
Iain Wilkie Posted - 31 Jul 2018 : 21:16:02
Which OS ? I’ve tried this on Win7 and it opens the file explorer view where I can select another directory no problem. Also ensure you have the later edition V22.0.1
