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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gaztech46 Posted - 14 Jan 2025 : 13:20:59
Hi guys,

I used to be able to use my keyboard arrow keys to nudge components or symbols around when selected.

It's very handy when you're working with fine resolution. I now find that although I can move stuff around with the mouse my arrow keys now don't work. When I use the keys, my mouse cursor moves but the respective symbol doesn't.

As far as I know I haven't changed anything. I didn't even know you could turn this off!

Does anyone know why EPC might have started to do this? I've been designing some new symbols and it's really difficult relying on the mouse resolution alone.

Any pointers as to why this is happening would be useful. Thanks.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Peter Johnson Posted - 14 Jan 2025 : 14:26:44
V28 sets up a new set of registry entries which means everything resets to the defaults. If you've still got your older version, use [Help], [Support], [Configuration Files] to save a copy of the registry settings for your previous version. You can then load this into V28 to restore your personal configuration.
Peter Johnson Posted - 14 Jan 2025 : 14:23:00
The arrow keys always work if you left click and hold the mouse button. However, if you want them to work without holding the mouse, go to [Settings], [Preferences] and look at the 'Interaction' tab. The fifth check box on the left is 'Allow Nudge of selected items' which is probably what's been disabled.
gaztech46 Posted - 14 Jan 2025 : 14:18:08
Found it...

Why this setting got changed is a mystery.

Go to Preferences / Interaction Tab / Select "Allow nudge of selected items".

Now works fine.
gaztech46 Posted - 14 Jan 2025 : 14:13:40
No, not using the numerical keys - just using the normal arrow keys.

As I said,they used to work fine. Really strange!
edrees Posted - 14 Jan 2025 : 13:34:46
Are you using the numerical keypad arrow keys? If so is Num lock On/Off?
The "normal" arrow keys work fine for me.