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 Odd email received

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AlOldeng Posted - 24 Sep 2024 : 11:45:21
Hello. I recently had a holiday in Italy and, when I eventually got sorted out and looked at my Email, I seem to have received one from :
This seems to indicate that I posed some query About "via shorted to pour and tracks".
The item is dated 13/09/2024 but I was not even in the country on that day (or for the next 6 days), so did not send that query.
Was this some system error or hack ?
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Peter Johnson Posted - 24 Sep 2024 : 12:00:10
The topic in question is at this address:,shorted,to,pour,and,tracks

You have received the message for a very simple reason. If you look at the bottom of the topic (you'll see it here as well) there's a 'Subscribe to Topic' entry. You must have clicked on this at some point, as that is what triggers the email notifications.