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 Ground/Earth/Chassis Symbol

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ricobasso Posted - 25 Jul 2024 : 14:52:09

has anyone worked out a way of getting a ground symbol into pcb top silk text?

I've tried copy and paste from MS Word and a ground symbol translates to a question mark! I know I could draw the symbol onto an edited version of the package but it would be much more convenient to just import the text if it were possible.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Peter Johnson Posted - 25 Jul 2024 : 15:50:01
If you've got V27, edit the schematic symbol then select it all, apart from the connection cross and the symbol origin. Now copy it to the clipboard (<Ctrl+C>).
Open a new pcb symbol edit screen and paste into it. You'll probably have to change the layer as well. A new symbol origin should appear but you'll have to add an appropriate pad.
Save it to the library and build your component as usual.

You can't do this in v26 or earlier as the clipboard won't copy across.
For this the best strategy is to paste into a new schematic drawing, export to DXF, re-import the DXF into a new pcb design, then tidy this up as necessary then copy and paste into the pcb symbol editor.

edrees Posted - 25 Jul 2024 : 15:03:52
Why not just draw it as a Schematic & PCB symbol, then make it a Component as any other part?