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 Additional Layers for Parts

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tmd_63 Posted - 09 Jan 2022 : 14:37:11
I see the library has a number of layers used currently.
But what about Component Placement Courtyards or Assembly detail layers?
Surely these cannot all be put on the Documentation or Dimensions Layers?
Do people create their own layers to allow for these new items?
For example, the Mentor Graphics Footprint creator uses:
Land Top
Land Inner
Inner Plane Antipad
Inner Plane Thermal
Land Bottom
Solder Mask Top
Solder Mask Bottom
Paste Mask Top
Silkscreen Top
Assembly Top
Assembly Bottom
3D Body Outline
Keepout Top
Keepout Inner
Keepout Bottom
Environmental Goals
Pin Numbers

as Layers for each part.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
edrees Posted - 19 Jan 2022 : 17:13:06
The Design Tech file is specific to the pcb design. It would be forwards compatible as all other features are in EPC.
lonewolf Posted - 19 Jan 2022 : 16:21:21
Originally posted by edrees

You can add as many new "Layer Types" as you like under Design Tech.

Then you can add as many new "non-electrical" layers as you like to include things like "Courtyard", "Assembly_Top", "Assembly_Bot" etc etc.

I don't think that there's a limit on the number of layer types you can specify and each can then be used on Top/Inner/Bottom layers etc. So you can in fact have as many layers as you like in EasyPC.

Thank you. Does the Design Tech get transferred when updating the revision (can Design Tech from V24 transfer to V25 etc)?

edrees Posted - 09 Jan 2022 : 16:37:00
You can add as many new "Layer Types" as you like under Design Tech.

Then you can add as many new "non-electrical" layers as you like to include things like "Courtyard", "Assembly_Top", "Assembly_Bot" etc etc.

I don't think that there's a limit on the number of layer types you can specify and each can then be used on Top/Inner/Bottom layers etc. So you can in fact have as many layers as you like in EasyPC.
tmd_63 Posted - 09 Jan 2022 : 14:41:56
But Easy PC v25 has
Top Silk
Top Paste
Top Copper
Top Resist
Bottom Resist
Bottom Copper
Bottom Paste
Bottom Silk

A lot less layers.