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 Symbols for Valves (Tubes)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gaztech46 Posted - 28 Sep 2021 : 09:53:37
Hi guys,

Does anyone have any schematic (and pcb pinouts I guess) symbols for triode and pentode valves that they would be willing to share? PCB pinouts would be for the sockets obviously...

I'm looking for specifically: Dual Triode (ECC83 type) and Pentode (El34/84) types.

These are particularly tricky to draw so I thought why "re-invent the wheel" if this has already been done.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Chris55000 Posted - 01 Feb 2023 : 21:26:23

Having been asked this exact feature by several Members of the Vintage Radio Forum, I have begun writing a step–by–step tutorial book on how to design a complete Thermionic Valve and Cathode–Ray Tube Library for DS PCB and Easy PCB!

It'll be a fairly thick document, I'm already up to page 9 and I've only got as far as "Valve Envelopes" so far!

Chris Williams
gaztech46 Posted - 28 Sep 2021 : 13:27:22
PM sent !
Iain Wilkie Posted - 28 Sep 2021 : 12:44:06
I have done the complete component for the ECC83 if you want it please sent an email to me.



Iain Wilkie Posted - 28 Sep 2021 : 12:11:34
Quite honestly it would only take 10 minutes to create your own schematic symbol. Save yourself a lot of hassle !

gaztech46 Posted - 28 Sep 2021 : 12:10:21
Oh, and unzipped, it consists of a .dcm and a .lib file.
gaztech46 Posted - 28 Sep 2021 : 12:07:32
I managed to get hold of a KiCad symbol library (in Zip Format) that allegedly contains valve symbols.

Does anyone know if you can import or convert a KiCad library into EasyPc format?

If I can then it's job done! If I get it done, I have no problem posting the library here if it helps others.

Anyone done this?
gaztech46 Posted - 28 Sep 2021 : 10:38:34

That's a good start but I really need the Schematic symbols...

Someone must have them :)
edrees Posted - 28 Sep 2021 : 10:02:32
Have a look here,-