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 v23 Crashing upon component rename

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Matt Haws Posted - 18 Dec 2019 : 22:33:03
I've had a few crashes when renaming a component. The biggest headache is that not all of the components appear in the library after the crash. Some have disappeared. Running the Re-Index button results in the same situation, crash and Easy-PC shutdown.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
edrees Posted - 06 Feb 2023 : 11:24:08

IF this is a bug on V24, it wouldn't be fixed now as we're presently on V26.

The last two Versions have been remarkably stable with few, if any, "crashes" reported by Users.
Chris55000 Posted - 04 Feb 2023 : 05:16:38

I get this crash on V24.0.5 as well - I made a new library called "Memories" and then made a Schematic Symbol for a Static RAM.

Yesterday evening I modified the Static RAM Svhematic Symbol with the extra 4 pins to make it suitable for 28 pin EPROMS, renaming it as "28 PIN EPROM"

On using the Component Wizard to attempt to create a 2764 EPROM, I mis-keyed an extra character into the Component Name, and when I use the "Change" button next to the fixed Component Name textbox on the Component Properties Dialog (you can't edit the Component text in the Properties Dialog directly!) I get exactly the same crash, Easy PC just closes completely with no error message, and what's worse, this scrash also corrupted a lot of the large circuit diagram I am currently draughting!

This "crashing on component rename" bug was first reported several software versions ago and it is STILL not fixed!

Chris Williams
edrees Posted - 26 Nov 2020 : 09:37:50
As AndyB has already suggested, most likely system is pointing to incorrect library/folder. Check Settings=>Folders=>Libraries where you can see what libraries are listed and enabled.

You say "replacing" your company library, -but not "overwriting" so I suspect both libraries co-exist on your PC which is why the old libraries "return" as the system is probably not pointing to the company libraries you want.
Matt Haws Posted - 25 Nov 2020 : 22:19:40
By replacing my company library with a version from a few weeks prior, and restarting Easy-PC, the libraries return. The headaches is that this is happening a lot.
AndyB Posted - 25 Jun 2020 : 11:20:17
Check that Easy-Pc has not saved it elsewhere as It can use the last library accessed.
Do a part find search. It may be elsewhere.