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 Library New Schamtic - Cannot Open Default.stf

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
shadders Posted - 04 Apr 2017 : 17:43:51

I gave up on Wine and Easy-PC - so installed VirtualBox and a Windows 8.1 VM (cheap licence from the internet).

This happened in Wine too - when i create a new Schematic symbol from an existing symbol, in one of my own libraries i receive the following error :

Unable to open technology file "Default.stf".

The symbol has been opened without a technology file.

I checked that the paths are available. When editing the new schematic i can select this technology file immediately from the list.

PCB symbols have the same issue but a new component created by copying an existing is ok.

All Settings -> Technology Files have the correct default.* set - so not sure what is occurring.

To repeat - using Windows 8.1 downloaded last week and Easy-PC v20.0.3

Thanks and regards,

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ChrisToseland Posted - 07 Apr 2021 : 07:46:55
Thanks for the response. In the short term I may spin up a 32 bit W7 box as my main development box is W7 64bit and give it a try.

It does seem strange that it is still a 32bit compilation when 64bit OS have been around for over a decade.
shadders Posted - 05 Apr 2021 : 13:50:04
I currently use Wine implemented by Play On Linux. Play On Linux allows you to have multiple Wine instances, one 32bit, another being 64bit, and the programs reside on these virtual instances.

It seems that Easy-PC is compiled as a 32bit variant, and using Wine 32bit i have had minimal issues, so the above is not an issue now.

The Virtual Box on my Linux installation breaks now and then, so that is why is stick with Wine.

As such, i don't have a solution to the default.stf issue.

ChrisToseland Posted - 05 Apr 2021 : 09:06:32
Sorry to resurect an ancient thread but was this ever resolved? I installed the latest demo for V24 to decide about upgrading from V18 and I get the same problem, went back to V18 and that has it to I just never noticed.


Ok to answer my own question, V24 Demo doesn't have a default.stf file it has Default (black).stf and Default (white).stf but the program is still looking for Default.stf. Copy one of those files and rename it to Default.stf and it works.