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 import bmp file to Easy-PC
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148 Posts

Posted - 31 Jul 2011 :  21:36:28  Show Profile  Visit hodali's Homepage  Reply with Quote
How can I import the content of a bmp file to a specific layer?

Kind regards,

Daniel Hodali


United Kingdom
781 Posts

Posted - 01 Aug 2011 :  09:43:09  Show Profile  Visit edrees's Homepage  Reply with Quote
The BMP that you import will not appear on any Gerber output as Gerber is a vector format and incompatible with bitmap (BMP). I'm not really sure what the use of EasyPC ADD/Bitmap is for (unless only for "documentation" purposes). The BMP (or JPG) can be put onto any layer BEFORE it is "dropped" in position.

Edited by - edrees on 01 Aug 2011 09:58:39
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Iain Wilkie

United Kingdom
1019 Posts

Posted - 01 Aug 2011 :  10:28:22  Show Profile  Visit Iain Wilkie's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Simply use the "add bitmap" utility ... you can put it on any layer you want, but usually it is the silk screen .... normally used to add logos etc.

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United Kingdom
781 Posts

Posted - 01 Aug 2011 :  10:56:17  Show Profile  Visit edrees's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi Iain, the (silk screen) bmp logo will not appear on the Gerber files, so this utility cannot be used to add logos to pcbs. I have however used import DXF successfully to import a logo onto the silk screen and this does appear in the Gerber plots.

Edited by - edrees on 01 Aug 2011 11:10:33
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United Kingdom
102 Posts

Posted - 01 Aug 2011 :  12:28:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It's fine if you don't need to use gerber output.
We usually etch in house using overhead transparencies at 1:1.
Silk screen and other 'layers' are used for documentation.
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Iain Wilkie

United Kingdom
1019 Posts

Posted - 01 Aug 2011 :  15:44:07  Show Profile  Visit Iain Wilkie's Homepage  Reply with Quote

Opps Sorry, my mistake !!!! .... I forgot, I actually convert the logo to a true-type font charactor before dropping it into the design. This means you can scale it up/down without loosing resolution.

Sorry about the confusion....


Edited by - Iain Wilkie on 01 Aug 2011 16:41:49
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79 Posts

Posted - 03 Aug 2011 :  22:32:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Sounds interesting. Can that be done with all kind of graphics / logo's?

How do you convert a Graphic to true-type fonts?

I used logo's in documentation before, but found they cause problems when printing to PDF using the internal PDF. Printing to external PDF printer was OK. That was in V14, perhaps solved in V15.

Scaling was not possible in the drawing, so the True-Type could be nice.
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Iain Wilkie

United Kingdom
1019 Posts

Posted - 04 Aug 2011 :  13:04:51  Show Profile  Visit Iain Wilkie's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Benno


Sounds interesting. Can that be done with all kind of graphics / logo's?

How do you convert a Graphic to true-type fonts?

I used logo's in documentation before, but found they cause problems when printing to PDF using the internal PDF. Printing to external PDF printer was OK. That was in V14, perhaps solved in V15.

Scaling was not possible in the drawing, so the True-Type could be nice.

There are programs available that allow you to make your own true-type fonts. There are also free trial programs that limit the number of charactors (not reall a problem for this task).

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41 Posts

Posted - 12 Dec 2011 :  11:22:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've just fallen down this hole, i.e. my logo appears ok onscreen but not on the gerber. I'm sure there are many like me who would very much like the bitmap of a logo or whatever to actually appear on the gerber, so why does it not, surely this must go on the list of improvements for the next release?? What is the point of the function if it doesn't work? The imported (monochrome of course) bitmap shows fine on screen so wouldn't it be handy if the resulting gerber ressembled the screen appearance, and if for some reason it can't be made to then shouldn't there be some visual warning that appears during the importing to say so?
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